Apprentice Choir
(No Evaluation Required)
Designed for children ages 5+ with little or no previous musical experience, the Apprentice Choir is a fun and engaging introduction to vocal instruction and musicianship for students with a desire to explore music and work as a team.
The repertoire is drawn mainly from folk songs and singing games, giving the children a fun and safe environment to learn the basic skills necessary to move forward in the LRCC program.
Rehearsals are:
Mondays, 4-4:45pm (Thousand Oaks)
Tuesdays, 4-4:45pm (Westlake Village)
Wednesdays, 4-4:45pm (Camarillo)
Thursdays, 4-4:45pm (Simi Valley)

Bel Canto Choir
(Evaluation Required)
Comprised of children ages 8 and up with little or no previous musical experience, Bel Canto is our beginning-to-intermediate level choir program in which the basics of vocal production and musicianship are presented in an age-appropriate fashion.
The emphasis is on mastery of basic theory and vocal/choral technique. The repertoire covers a variety of traditional and contemporary literature that is unison or two-part.
Bel Canto rehearses in Thousand Oaks on Tuesdays from 4-5:30pm.
Singers are chosen from evaluations held in June-August and January each year.
*need-based scholarships are available to all who qualify

Amadeus Choir
(Evaluation Required)
LRCC’s premiere performing/touring choir, Amadeus is comprised of children ages 12-18 with previous musical experience.
Choristers are promoted to Amadeus upon displaying the musicianship skills, vocal skills, and maturity needed to meet the challenge of learning and performing a wide variety of difficult and sophisticated repertoire. The focus continues to be on mastery of music theory and vocal/choral technique.
Amadeus rehearses in Thousand Oaks on Tuesdays from 4:30-6:30pm. They also tour every other summer as part of their musical training.
Singers are chosen from evaluations held in June-August and January each year.
*need-based scholarships are available to all who qualify

(Evaluation Required)
This group is specifically for boys with changed and changing voices. Singers in this group work with the director in a supportive environment to establish a healthy and sustainable vocal technique.
No previous musical experience is necessary. Singers should be able to sing in tune and respond well to teacher feedback and suggestions for improvement.
The Troubadours rehearse in Thousand Oaks on Tuesdays from 5:30-7pm.
Singers are chosen from evaluations held in June-August and January each year.
*need-based scholarships are available to all who qualify